Skriv under med ditt stöd för de polska domarna
7 December, 2020
Det polska domareförbundet Iustitia har tagit initiativ till en skrivelse till EU-kommissionen. I skrivelsen begär europeiska domare att kommissionen ska vidta ytterligare åtgärder för att Polens regering ska följa fördragen och EU-domstolens domar så att rättsstaten och domarnas oavhängighet upprätthålls.
Iustitia skriver:
"For 5 years there is ongoing process of deterioration of legal system in Poland. The situation is getting worse each month. Polish authorities continue to openly abuse, harass and intimidate judges and prosecutors who are seeking to defend the rule of law. We also observe, that developments in Poland, encourage politicians in other European states to limit judicial independence in their systems. The ‘1000 Robes March’, which was held on January 11, 2020 in Warsaw proved, that we are one European Magistrate’s family. Fighting for Rule of Law in Poland, we fight for Rule of Law in the whole Europe. Hence we kindly encourage you to disseminate the attached letter to the European Commission among magistrates and associations which are your members."
Vi uppmanar svenska domare att skriva under brevet. Möjlighet att göra så finns här.